神勝寺 禅と庭のミュージアム/ Shinshoji
Zen Museum and Gardens, 松堂/
Shodo (Office, Reception)
For most of October I was in japan the purpose of my journey was to attend my high school alumnae association meeting. Though I also found time to meet various friends and took a trip to the west of Japan. I visited the “Shinshoji Zen Museum and Gardens” in Fukuyama (Hiroshima prefecture) after a recommendation from one of my friends. Although it was raining on the day that my self and a friend visited the Museum and Gardens, it was much nicer than I expected with all public spaces and gardens thoughtfully planned and curated. It was rainy weekday when my friend and myself has visited. Because of the rain there were not many visitors, perhaps this was another reason for us both enjoying our time there.
If you are interested in “Shinshoji Zen Museum and Gardens”, please visit the following site.
10月は殆ど日本に居りました。高校の同窓会に出席するのが目的でしたが、様々な友人と会い、西日本を旅行する時間もつくりました。友人からの勧めで、広島県の福山にある「神勝寺 禅と庭のミュージアム」に行きました。私と友人が美術館と庭に行った日は雨でしたが、全ての場所と庭がよく考えて創られていた為か、思っていたよりずっと素敵な所でした。その日は雨の平日ということで来訪者(観光客)が少なく、そういうこともあり、我々はそこでの時間を十分楽しめたのかと思います。
「神勝寺 禅と庭のミュージアム」に興味のある方は上記サイトをご覧ください。
Carps in the pond