Society of Bookbinders L&S region workshop at Congregation Church
I gave a Japanese book binding workshop for the Society of Bookbinders London & South region on Saturday the 9th of September 2023. It was the hottest day of this year, getting up to 33° in the afternoon.
Fortunately, the workshop room was relatively cool and it appeared that everyone enjoyed the workshop in spite of the heat. The workshop was about the “Musubi-toji”, a style of binding that was known as the “Yamato-toji” for a long time. However, according to research carried out by the Imperial Bindery of Japan, it is appropriate to call the Yamato-toji by the new name of Musubi-toji. I mentioned about this change of name before in my post of June 2017. Physical evidence would indicate that the binding style was in use during the 11th century with the binding style still popular in Japan as presentation books, note books and the like. The “Musubi-toji” is unique, in that the same binding method can be used for both ‘limp’ and ‘hard’ bindings. In the workshop, the participant made the ‘hard’ variation with decorative silk threads.It has been quite a long time since I last gave a workshop in public, because of the pandemic. I enjoyed the company almost as much as the participants.
「結び綴じ」のワークショップでした。これは長いこと「大和綴じ」として知られていた様式です。しかしながら、日本の宮内庁書陵部での調査によると「大和綴じ」と呼ばれていた様式は新たに「結び綴じ」と呼ばれる方が相応しいということです。この変更に関しては、2017年6月のブログでも言及いたしました。この製本様式は11世紀から使われていた物的証拠があり、提出用の本、ノートやその他諸々、日本ではいまだに人気のある製本様式 です。「結び綴じ」は、同じ方法で表紙に柔軟性のあるものを使っても、硬いボードを使っても作れる独特の製本です。ワークショップで参加者は硬いボードと装飾的なシルク糸を使った本を作りました。パンデミックのため、公でワークショップをするのは随分久しぶりのことでした。私も参加者の皆さんと同じく集まりを楽しみました。

for the hard cover board
keen on work