
Annual General Meeting

      Art Worker’s Guild main hall


During the afternoon of April the 20th, Designer Bookbinders’s held their Annual General Meeting at the Art Worker’s Guild. It is open for every DB member and is usually combined with a lecture and some other event.   The lectures are usually related to books, arts and DB exhibition / events. This years the lecture was delivered by Clive Hicks-Jenkins (artist) and Rachel Leis Allion (the Folio Society’s art director) who gave a talk about the book “Beowulf” (Limited Edition) that was recently published by the Folio Society. The lecture started with an animation of Clive Hicks-Jenkins powerful illustrations. Clive discussed how he came to produce the illustrations for the books whilst Rachel Leis Allion shared some of the inner workings of the Folio Society's process of choosing an artist and aspects of the production of their book "Beowulf". Please follow the link below to see the video.            In addition two suppliers attended the AGM, selling selected items during the interval and there was an small exhibition of recent books and bindings by the associate members. The day was rounded off by the “President’s Drinks Reception” which was a first trial event by the new DB president. It seems that everybody enjoyed the reception, a chance to chat with friends and colleagues and get to know new people. I left the hall around 7pm and, as it still light outside, I felt that summer was gradually on the way.



デザイナー・ブックバインダーズの年次会議が4月20日の午後にアート・ワーカーズ・ギルドにて開催されました。これはDB全ての会員の参加が可能で、普通は講演会とその他のイベントが同時に行われます。   講演会の内容は通常、本やアートそしてDBの展覧会やイベントに関連するもので、今年はクライブ・ヒックス- ジェンキンズ氏(アーティスト)とレイチェル・リズ・アリオン氏(出版社フォリオ・ソサイエティのアート・ディレクター)による講演で、最近フォリオ・ソサイエティから出版された本「ベオウルフ」(限定出版)についての話でした。講演はクライブ・ヒックス- ジェンキンズ氏の迫力あるイラストレーションを使ったアニメーションで始まりました。クライブ氏は、この本の為のイラストレーションをどのように製作したかを取り上げ、レイチェル・リズ・アリオン氏は、フォリオ・ソサイエティ内部でのアーティスト選択や「ベオウルフ」の製作での様子を話してくださいました。上記サイトにてアニメーションのビデオがご覧いただけます。AGMには2つの製本業者が参列して、休憩時間に幾つかの商品を販売し、また会員による近年製作の本による小規模な展示がありました。その日は新しい会長による初の試み「会長のドリンク・レセプション」で締めくくられました。友人や同僚とおしゃべりに花を咲かせ、新しい人と知り会いになり、皆このレセプションを楽しんでいるように見えました。私は午後7時ごろ会場をあとにしましたが外はまだ明るく、夏が徐々に近づいてくることを感じました。

The time just before the lecture
One of the suppliers stand

The box of “Beowulf”

The full leather bound “Beowulf “  

President’s Drinks Reception”


Covered Discovered


Covered Discovered” exhibition Private View at the Craft Council Gallery

"Covered Discovered” a joint exhibition featuring the work of Designer Bookbinders and the Society of Scribes & Illuminators. The exhibition is held at the Craft Council Gallery in Angel from the 13th of March to the 13th of April 2024. ”Covered Discovered” is the second joint exhibition DB and the SSI, the first exhibition “Fine Words Fine Books” was held during the summer of 1991 in St. Paul’s Cathedral which was 33years ago. I was a student at Guildford Collage studying Fine Bookbinding at that time and perhaps it was the first time for me to visit a Designer Bookbinders exhibition in the UK. I admired all exhibitors works, I did not even think, that one day, I would become one of the exhibitors. Obviously, a number of the exhibitors from the 1991 exhibition are no longer with us, much has changed. But a good number of the 'Originals' from that first exhibition are still working and have produced some beautiful works for this second exhibition.

If you would like to know more about the “Covered Discovered” exhibition, please visit the following site.



Covered Discovered”は、デザイナー・ブックバインダーズとスクライブ&イルミネータ協会(写本筆写者と彩色者の協会、私は一種のカリグラフィー協会と理解しています)の主要作品による合同展覧会です。展覧会は、エンジェルにあるクラフト・カウンシルの画廊にて今月の3月13日から4月13日まで開催されています。“Covered Discovered”は、DBSSIの2度目の合同展覧会で、最初の展覧会”Fine Words Fine Books” 展は1991年の夏にセント・ポール大聖堂にて開催されました。33年前のことです。私は当時ギルフォード・カレッジで美術工芸製本を学んでいました。おそらく、それは私にとって初めて訪れた英国デザイナー・ブックバインダーズの展覧会だったと思います。私は全ての出品作品に見惚、私が出品者の一人になる日が来るとは思いもよりませんでした。言うまでもなく1991年の展覧会の多くの出展者は我々と共にはおらず変わりましたが、最初の展覧会からの数人の「元からの人々」がこの2度目の展覧会でも美しい作品を制作し出品しています。

Covered Discovered”展の詳細に関しては上記サイトをご覧ください。

The Collaboration work with Gillian Stewart (Binding) and Susie Leiper ( The written and Illustrated text book )

Design Bindings,  Left : James Brockman (Originals)   Right: Rachel Ward-Sale

Some Fellow's Design bindings


Lambeth Palace Library

      The view from the roof terrace of Lambeth Palace Library

On the first of February a group from the Chelsea bookbinding class and myself visited Lambeth Palace Library. Last year, I had an opportunity to talk with the head of the conservation unit at the Lambeth Palace Library and she kindly agreed that our group could visit the Library and the conservation unit. Lambeth Palace Library has founded in 1610 and one of the earliest public Libraries in UK. The new purpose-built library was built to the  north of the palace garden in 2020. The new Library has big storage rooms, conservation rooms for caring for the various collections and the new reading room, seminar rooms and an exhibition area for public. The group and I met in the entrance hall which is also open to the public. We were guided by the head of conservation unit and her colleague. The main conservation room is able to get good natural light from north facing windows with each of the working rooms being designed to meet the needs of conservation work. The staff showed us some of books undergoing restoration/conservation work. Several students who are studying  City & Guilds were helping with  the conservation work on that day. The new building also has a roof terrace, the view from the terrace overlooks central of London and is truly stunning. After the roof terrace we had a quiet look into the reading room, finally we were able to enjoy some nice refreshments by the window in the exhibition area that had very kindly been prepared by the staff of the Library. We all had a wonderful and enjoyable time.

If you would like to know more about the Lambeth Palace Library, please visit the following site.







Lambeth Palace Library on the outside

Lambeth Palace Library entrance hall

The main working room of the conservation unit

The box making room
Facilities in the main working room
Tools for paper conservation 
Books undergoing restoration/conservation work

Books undergoing restoration/conservation work

The reading room




Beautiful British Books

    The BBB exhibition entrance sign at Chiba City Museum of Art, The summer 2006


Recently, I received a New Year card from my long time friend from university. Amongst other things, she mentioned that she was de-cluttering her old files. Her words awoke me and I too decided to de-clutter my old files. I am relatively careful in keeping documents, correspondence, notes etc on various workshops and exhibitions I have been involved with over the years. However, along with  organisation records and workshop notes there was, tucked into the files, a lot of unnecessary stuff. Eventually, after sifting through box after box of files, I managed to de-clutter. The result was very satisfying, a not insignificant pile of unnecessary stuff  had been accumulated.  However, just before consigning the pile to the recycling bin I decided to contact the secretary of Designer Bookbinders as some of what I thought of as unnecessary stuff might useful for the DB archives.

To put this in to context I would like to explain that I was on two DB exhibition committees organising touring exhibitions of Japan. After some communication with the secretary, it was decided that some of the meeting records, copies of the agreements between DB and the organisers of the exhibitions would be suitable for the DB archives. (The catalogues, posters and invitation cards are already held in the DB archives).

The first DB touring exhibition in Japan was in the summer of 2006. The exhibition title was “Beautiful British Books”, held in three public museums in Japan.The preparations took 5years. The exhibition consisted of two parts. Part 1 was the History of British Books with selected books being exhibited from William Caxton. Part 2 was new work from the DB Fellows and Licentiates. I have special memories for the “Beautiful British Books”exhibition.

The second DB touring exhibition in Japan was part of the DB international competition “Prize Volumes” touring exhibition. Although, the title of the exhibition in Japan was “Looking at Shakespeare” and was held from the autumn 2014 to spring 2015. In previous posts , of September  2014 and February 2015, I mentioned this touring exhibition. Already some 10 years ago. Time flies like an arrow.





2度目の日本でのDBの展覧会は、DBの国際製本コンペティション”Prize Volumes”の巡回展の一環として行われましたが、日本での展覧会のタイトルは「見つめてシェークスピア」展で、2014年の秋から2015年の春まで開催されました。以前のブログの20149月と20152月でもこの巡回展のことに触れました。もう10年近く前の話です。光陰矢の如し。



BBB exhibition catalogue
BBB exhibition leaflet of Ashikaga Museum of Art (The first venue of BBB exhibition)

BBB exhibition an invitation envelop, card and ticket
of Koriyama City Museum of Art (The second venue of BBB exhibition) 
The BBB exhibition poster at Chiba City Museum of Art
 (The third venue of BBB exhibition)

The exhibition gallery Part 1 at Chiba City Museum of Art
 Left book : Poems Chosen out to the Work of Samuel Taylor Coleridge by Doves Bindery
Right book: William Morris,The life and Death of Jason by Doves Bindery 
The exhibition gallery Part 2 at Chiba City Museum of Art
 DB Fellows & Licentiates works 

"Looking at Shakespeare" exhibition catalogue
The first venue : Nerima Art Museum
The second venue : The Museum of Modern Art, Shiga
The leaflet of "Looking at Shakespeare" exhibition

Two files are going to the DB archives