
The Royal Library and the Royal Bindery at Windsor

    Inside of Windsor Castle

The middle of this month, the Chelsea group (South West London Bookbinding Class) and myself visited the Royal Library and the Royal Bindery in Windsor Castle. One of our members kindly organised this event. Windsor Castle is very popular place, we had to wait for nearly one year from the booking date. So, our expectation became huge but out patience was rewarded. It was wonderful study tour.
First, we went to one of the solemn library rooms, there are several display cabinets for books and document, such as a score by Mozart. One of the cabinets has the beautiful clock that had moved from the Buckingham House. Then, we moved other room. The librarian had prepared some books for us that have included a relatively modern design binding. She had explained each book. One of the book that I was interested in that the front cover design is the symbol of Henry the VIII and the back cover design is the symbol of Catherine of Argon.
When the librarian’s explanation had finished, Head of the Royal Bindery collected us to move to the Royal Bindery which is very bright and completely different atmosphere to compare the Library. Three apprentices talked us about their projects and one of the senior bookbinder gave us a demonstration.
The Library does not allow take photographs for security and other reason but we could take some pictures in the bindery and outside of the Castle.  

If you would like to know more about the Royal Library, please visit the website as below.


そこでは図書館司書によって我々の見学のために用意された比較的近代のデザイン製本を含めた幾つかの本が並べられており、それぞれの本についての説明がありました。 私は表紙のデザインがヘンリー8世のマークを刻印、裏表紙のデザインはキャサリン・オブ・アラゴンのマークが刻印された本にとても惹かれました。 図書館司書の説明が終わった頃に製本所所長が我々を迎えに来られ王立製本所に移動しました。製本所はとても明るく図書室とは全く異なった環境でした。


The entrance to the Library

The tower building in Windsor Castle

The blocking machine in the Royal bindery (photograph by E. Donaldson)

The demonstration by the senior bookbinder (photograph by E. Donaldson)