
Pictogram / Pictograph


    The original drawings for the 2002 Christmas card

The Tokyo Olympics 2020 started on the 23rd of July 2021. I believe that many people watched the opening ceremony. One of the entertainments was a pantomime by Japanese silent comedy artists depicting the 50 Olympic events . It was very popular among my Japanese friends. It’s humorous and witty and I enjoyed it very much. Although, I am not sure how English or viewers in other countries thought about the performance.

When I was an art student in Japan I learnt that the event pictogram was first used for the 1964 Tokyo Olympic games. However, I had forgotten about it until now.

The pictogram is easy to understand and information become easy to transmit.

When thinking about pictograms for bookbinding it is easy to see nipping presses, sewing frames and piles of books. While surfing the internet for pictograms about or on bookbinding I found a series postage stamps produced in Liechtenstein in 2018. Please follow the link below. 




 It reminds me of a Christmas card I made in 2002. My drawing is not as sophisticated as the Liechtenstein postage stamps, but I enjoyed making it.


If you are interested in the opening ceremony pictogram performance at the Tokyo Olympic 2020, you can find it on YouTube. The following site shows all the pictograms for each of the Olympic games since 1964.






東京オリンピック2020 2021723日に始まりました。多くの方々が開会式をご覧になったかと思います。催物の一つに、50のオピンピック競技のピクトグラムを日本の無声喜劇役者がパントマイムで表現したものがあり、これは私の日本人の友人の間では評判が良いものでした。ユーモラスで機知に富んでいてとても楽しめました。とは言うものの、イギリスや他の国々の視聴者の方々はこの演技をどのように思われていたか(同じように楽しめていたのかは)なんとも言えないところです。











The 2002 Christmas card, front

The 2002 Christmas card, inside

C = Carfskin,  H = Hammer,  R = Ruler,  I = Ingres paper,  S = Sewing frame,

T = Type holder,  M = Mull,  A = Adhesive,  S = Spokeshave

The 2002 Christmas card, back