
Vauxhall City Farm


    The gate of Vauxhall City Farm

At the Beginning of this month, I joined a Christmas Wreath workshop at Vauxhall City Farm in London.

Yes, it is a farm in middle of central of London ! Although, one of acquaintances told me that there are several city farms in London which I did not know. (e.g. Hackney City Farm, Kentish Town City Farm etc.).

Vauxhall City Farm is in few minutes walk from Vauxhall station. The Vauxhall area has been redeveloped in recent years and there are many high-rise housing developments. However, I could smell the country as soon as I passed through the farm gate. There are a small variety of animals /birds in the farm.

The workshop room was next to The Old Dairy Café in the Farm. The workshop supplied all the materials and instruction sheets for the wreath. We also picked up Bay leaves and Rosemary from the farm garden. There was one instructor and two assistants who helped the participants with their work. We could casually take coffee/ tea during the workshop. I bought a Flat White from The Old Dairy Café and I could chosen one from four selections of milk. It was tasty. On the whole, it was very enjoyable Saturday morning.


If you would like to know more about Vauxhall City Farm, please visit the site as below.





今月の始め、ロンドンのヴォクソル・シティ農場でのクリスマス・リースのワークショップに参加してきました。そうです、ロンドンの真ん中に農場があるのです。とは言うものの、知り合いの言うところによるとロンドン市内には結構な数の農場があるようで、私は今までそれを知りませんでした。(ハックニー・シティ農場、ケンティッシュ・タウン・シティ農場 など)


ワークショップの部屋は農場の “The Old Daily Café” の隣にありました。このワークショップでは全ての材料とリースの作り方の説明書が提供され、我々(参加者)はさらに農場の庭に月桂樹の葉とローズマリーを摘みに行きました。参加者の作業をインストラクターと二人のアシスタントの方達が手伝ってくださいました。ワークショップの最中、気軽にコーヒー/紅茶を取ることができ、私は“The Old Daily Café”でフィラット・ホワイトを買ったのですが、4種類のミルクの選択肢がありました。美味しかったです。全体にとても楽しい土曜日の午前中を過ごしました。




Inside of the farm

Several animals in the farm. Alpaca and sheep

The workshop room (left) next to the café (right)
The wreath materials  

The instruction sheets for the wreath making 

The finished wreath on the door