
Drop Dead Gorgeous

      One of the participants finished work at the London Craft Week workshop



 The “Drop Dead Gorgeous” exhibition was originally scheduled to be held during June 2020 at Maggs Bros., London. However, it was postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. At the beginning of this month, the exhibition finally opened.

London Craft Week also started this month, again originally scheduled to be held during May 2020. Designer Bookbinders joined LCW with some DB Fellows and Licentiates showing their works at the DB exhibition which was also held at Maggs Bros. at the same time as “Drop Dead Gorgeous” but in the another room. Also, during the LCW weekend, four Fellows gave workshops at the Cockpit Art studio in Holborn.

The annual Antiquarian Booksellers Association Book Fair “Firsts” was also held in the middle of this month at Saatchi Gallery in Chelsea. There were four fair tours by antiquarian booksellers.

On Monday, October 25th, the organiser of “Drop Dead Gorgeous” arranged a special viewing of an original 1913 copy of “La Prose du Transsibérien et de la Petite Jehanne de France” at the V&A Museum.

Saturday the 30th of October was the DB meeting at the Art Worker’s Guild.

I have exhibited my binding at “Drop Dead Gorgeous” exhibition, therefore I participated some events related to this exhibition which included a zoom meeting and talk by exhibiting binders on the 2nd of October.

I was one of the exhibition committee for the DB exhibition at Maggs Bros. It means that I helped to set up the exhibition display. Then, I was one of the four Fellows for the workshop demonstrator. I have participated two private views at the exhibition in Maggs Bros, two viewing tours, one at Saatch Gallery and one at V&A.

Meanwhile, I had to produce a work for the exhibition at Wittockiana and dead line was the DB meeting day.

Hence, I have to say that October 2021 has been an enjoyable but the hectic month for me.


If you would like to know more about those event please visit the website as below.





Drop Dead Gorgeous [物凄く美しいものたち] の展覧会はもともと2020年の6月にロンドンのマッグス・ブラザーズ書店にて行われる予定だったのですがCovid-19の流行で延期され、今月始めにようやく開催されました。

ロンドン・クラフト・ウィーク (LCW) も同じく、もとは2020年の5月に開催される予定だったのですが今月始まりました。デザイナー・ブックバインダーズ(DB)LCWに参加しており、何人かの正会員と準正会員がLCWに合わせて開催されたDBの展覧会に作品を出品しました。DBの展覧会は同じくマッグス書店の別室にてDrop Dead Gorgeous展と同時に開催されました。さらにLCWの週末にはホルボーンにあるコックピット・アート・スタジオにて4人の正会員によるワークショプが行われました。

恒例の古書店協会によるブックフェア”First” も今月半ばにチェルシーのサーチ・ギャラリーで開催されました。ここでは古書店主によるフェア会場のツアーが4つ用意されていました。1025日の月曜日にはDrop Dead Gorgeousの主催者により1913年のオリジナル「シベリア鉄道とフランスの小さいジャンネの散文」の特別見学会がヴィトリア&アルバート博物館にて行われました。1030日の土曜日はアート・ワーカーズ・ギルドにてDBの会議が行われました。

私は作品をDrop Dead Gorgeous展に出品していたので102日に行われた作品出品製本家によるズームでの講演も含めて展覧会関係の催し物に参加しました。







“Drop Deed Gorgeous” exhibition at Maggs Bros. 

Private View of “Drop Deed Gorgeous” exhibition at Maggs Bros.

Private View of “Drop Deed Gorgeous” exhibition at Maggs Bros.
London Craft Week workshop “The Art of Paper Folding”



The viewing tour at the V&A Museum. 
 The right copy in the frame : 1913 original copy of “La Prose du Transsibérien et de la Petite Jehanne de France” 
The left copy : Re-creation copy of “La Prose du Transsibérien et de la Petite Jehanne de France” by Kitty Maryatt  

The viewing tour at the V&A Museum. 
Textile design book used ‘Pochoir’ technique by Sonia Delaunay