The Poster and the Catalogue
of the Bookbinding Competition 2013
Designer Bookbinders (DB) organised the national bookbinding competition every
aim of the competition is to encourage professionals, amateur and students to
produced originally designed and well bound books, and to give them an
opportunity to exhibit their technical and artistic skill. The competition is
open to all binders, except DB Fellows, who trained in Britain and who are
resident in the UK at the time completing the binding.
from the Jade bookbinding
Studio submit their work for this competition every year.
the exhibition is held
on the end of year. However, the 2013 competition had exhibited in this month
for various reasons. The exhibition closed at the 24th of January.
However, you can still see the Prize winners books on
the DB web site.
competition has two categories that one is “The Set book” binding and the other
is “Open choice” binding. The unbound set book sheets provide reasonable price
by The Folio Society every year. The Set Book 2013 was “The Rubáiyát of Omar
Khayyám” a selection of Persian poems. This years Set Book is famous as the movie of Audrey Hepburn, “The Breakfast at
Tiffany’s” by Truman Capote. It is a charming book with nice illustrations.
デザイナー・ブックバインダーズ(DB)は、毎年国内製本コンペティションをおこなっています。これは、製本にたずさわるプロ、アマチュア、学生にオリジナリティに富んだデザインや上質な本の制作を奨励しすることを目指しており、それらの技術や芸術的腕前を披露する機会を提供しています。DBの正会員を除く全てのイギリス在住者は、(例えば留学生でも)期間中に制作した作品を応募することができ、Jade Bookbinding Studioの生徒さん達も、毎年このコンペティションに参加しています。
The Layton Room,
St Bride Foundation
Viewing the exhibition in the
Layton Room, 22nd of January 2014
The Prize Winners books
The Prize Winners books and other exhibits
The Prize Winners books and other exhibits
The Jade bookbinding studio
student binding (Left lower shelf)