
Musubi toji Workshop

     Three Sample Books for “Musubi toji” workshop

I decided to change my “Yamato toji” workshop to “Musubi toji” workshop.
I mentioned about the name of “Musubi toji” in Aprils blog that this style of binding was widely known as the “Yamato toji”. However, according to a recent study by specialist binders, it is historically correct to call it the “Musubi toji “
Therefore I believe that it will be better to call this style of binding the “Musubi toji” in my studio. Concurrently, I change some materials and form for this workshop.
Recently, I introduced “Musubi toji” at the London Craft Week (please see Aprils blog 2017). During the LCW demonstration, I made a decorative type of sewing for the “Musubi toji” however, there are more variations in sewing for this bindings.
In the new workshop of Jade Bookbinding Studio, the participant will be able to make three books as follows:

Type A  It is making the decorative knot with thread in the front cover.
Type B  It simply ties up with thread in the back cover.
Type C  It is ties up with tape in the front cover

According the specialist Japanese binding book “Fumikurashoryo / 書庫渉猟” by Setsuo Kushige, there is an article with a diagram that shows how to make the knot for the “Musubi toji” binding in a 1764 book which is owned by the Imperial Bindery.
The article’s instruction indicates that the knot is made on the front cover. However, there are a number of examples of books in existence that have the knots on the back cover. For example, The Chronicles of Japan (also call as Japanese Chronicles) made in 1691 have the knots on the back cover.
 It reminds me that some bookbinders do not like to make the knot in the middle of section when they are making a single section book, and some bookbinders do not like to make the knot in the out side of the section. Both types of binders have their own reason and own beliefs.
If you would like to know more about the Musubi toji workshop, please click the  JAPANESE BINDING WORKSHOPS in the page column as above.


タイプA : 綴じ糸を使い表紙で装飾的に結ぶ製本。
タイプB : 綴じ糸を使い裏表紙で結ぶ簡素な綴じ方。

和装本の専門書の「書庫渉猟」櫛笥節男 著によりますと宮内庁書陵部にある1764年の本の中に「結び綴」の図が描かれて結びのことが言及されているそうです。それには綴じ糸は表表紙で結ぶと述べられているということですが、現存する幾つかの本は裏表紙で綴じ糸が結ばれています。例えば1691年の「日本書紀」(日本紀)は裏表紙で結ばれています。
結び綴のワークショップの内容は、上記ページコラムのJAPANESE BINDING WORKSHOPSをクリックしていただければ詳細をご覧いただけます。 

  “Musubi toji” Type A  the decorative knots in the front cover

  “Musubi toji” Type B  tie the threads in the back cover

“Musubi toji” Thpe C  tie the tapes in the front cover  

  Fumikurashoryo by Setsuo Kushige