
Looking at Shakespeare

 The entrance of the Part 2 exhibition room

I was in Tokyo for the second half of September and I was helping with the preparation of the “Looking at Shakespeare” exhibition at Nerima Art Museum in Tokyo.
There are two features in this exhibition. The first part of the exhibition has numerous pictures and illustrated books inspired by Shakespeare’s works. The second part is an exhibition of approximately 80 selected Design Bindings from the International Bookbinding Competition by Designer Bookbinders. It is obvious that I helped the second part of the exhibition, not the first one.
As you already know, earthquakes occur frequently in Japan. Therefore we have to pay extra care and attention for the display of arts works and books.
The organisers and curator of the Museum asked specialists to work with me to make sure all the books would be safe.
The following photographs are preparation sight for these three days.

The exhibition continues until the end of November. For more information, please visit the Museum site as below.

この展覧会は 2つの特徴をもっています。パート1では、シェークスピアの作品から影響を受けて描かれた絵画や版画、本の挿絵画などが展示されており、パート2は、デザイナー・ブックバインダーズの国際製本コンペティションで選ばれた約80点にのぼるデザイン製本が展示されています。当然のことながら、私はパート2の方のお手伝いをしました。パート1には全く関係していません。

The each book was individually packed in its own box, further protected with a corrugated phase box and numbered. All the books were transported in the strong crate.


The first day, we checked the numbers and books then arranged each book in position.


The second day, each book was placed in the exact position and alignment. Name labels fixed in place.


The  “L” shape support for earthquake


Left: Senior specialist technician. Right: Junior technician.

左:経験のある専門の技術者 右:若い技術者

The Senior specialist technician and me.


The third day, lighting.
