
Three Phase Binding or bradel à plat rapporté

3  "Three Phase Binding"

I intended to change the menu of Jade Bookbinding Studio workshop last October. However, my head was full of airy thoughts and I could not decide which workshop to change and which to not change.
Eventually, I made two sample books for Workshop A. and three sample books for the Workshop B.
Workshop A, the design of the book has not changed much. The proportion is slightly different and I used blue book cloth and patterned paper for sample.
I made 3 'Three phase bindings’ for the workshop B. They are also called ” bradel à plat rapporté” in French.
For these books I have sewn the sections with a coloured linen thread with an exposed spine that will help to understand the construction of the book. In the workshop B, student will make one book and will be able to chose which colour variation they would like. However, I recommend the yellow book for beginners. 
These new workshops start from the 1st of May 2014.

 なんとかワークショップAのために2冊、ワークショップBに3冊の見本を作ってみました。ワークショップAは本のサイズを少し変更し、青の布と柄紙を使いましたがデザインは殆ど変えていません。ワークショップBには、”Three Phase Binding”(3つの面か成る)という作り方で、色や綴じ位置を少し変えて3冊サンプル本を作ってみました。フランスや日本では、ブラデル・プララポルテと呼ばれています。3冊の本は色の麻糸を使い、綴じの部分が見えるようになっており、本の構造が理解しやすいようになっています。ワークショップBでは1冊の本をつくりますが、3種類のなかから好きなタイプの本を選んで作っていただけます。初心者の方には黄色い本がお薦めです。

Two sample books for Workshop A.

Three sample books for Workshop B.

Yellow “Three phase binding”

Endpaper of Yellow book